class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # IPSIM-
tutorial ##
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--- ## Choose your preferred language, then click on the `Your Situation` tab ***  --- ## The questions are grouped into three parts *** -- .pull-left[  ] .pull-right[ These questions provide information on your current situation with regard to common thistle. Is your plot infested or not? The .inline[] contains information to help you calculate the requested indicators. ] --- ## The questions are grouped into three parts *** .pull-left[  ] .pull-right[ Enter your environmental conditions here: **weather conditions** and **soil compaction**. ] --- ## The questions are grouped into three parts *** .pull-left[  ] .pull-right[ Fill in the practices carried out on your plot. They are grouped into three main parts: - those that allow you to set up a **biological competition** on the thistle: the choice of species used has an influence on the thistle's ability to establish itself in your plot. - the use of **herbicides**. - **mechanical work** of the plot: the frequency and type of maintenance will have an impact on the thistle's ability to colonise your plot As before, you can test different scenarios! You can, for example, fill in your current practices first, then go and see the results (we'll talk about this later), then go back to the questionnaire to test a new practice and see if it could improve your initial thistle situation. ] --- ## Answer the questions *** If you are unsure of which answer to give, that's fine! You can test as many possibilities as you like. You will sometimes see .inline[] in front of certain questions, so don't hesitate to click on them to get more details. For example, for the weather conditions, you will be able to have direct access to the data from the French weather service Meteo-France.  --- ## Press `Validate` once the questionnaire has been completed *** By pressing `OK` you will automatically be directed to the `Results` tab.  --- ## Reading the results graphs (1/2) *** -- #### First graph: evolution of the infestation level  This graph represents the evolution over time (horizontal axis) of the thistle infestation level in your plot (vertical axis). Four levels of infestation risk have been defined from `very low or null` to `high`. The year `N0` corresponds to the initial situation level that you filled in the questionnaire. The level of infestation is estimated for the following years (from `N1` to `N5`) ***assuming that practices and the environment have not changed***. > Remember that this is a simulation. The results may not reflect reality. --- ## Reading the results graphs (2/2) *** #### Second graph: factors influencing the presence of thistle .pull-left[ This interactive graph details which factors have an impact on the presence of thistle. It is a direct outcome of what you have entered in the questionnaire. It is presented as a graphical tree. .img50[] You can read as follows: the final infestation (which corresponds to year `N1`) is derived from the initial thistle situation (year `N0`) and the risk of infestation. ] .pull-right[ By clicking on the **node** `Risk of infestation`, you get this :  The risk of infestation (here yellow: `neutral`) depends on both the environment (here `green`: very unfavourable to the presence of thistles) and the cultivation practices (here `red`: very favourable to the presence of thistles). ] --- ## Reading the results graphs (2/2) *** Once you have clicked on all the nodes (the bold circles, with a thicker black circle around them), you get the full tree: .img75[] To go faster, you can click on the button .inline[] --- ## Reading the results graphs (2/2) *** You can see that the **leaves** of the tree (the circles at the ends of the branches) correspond to each of your 25 answers in the questionnaire. To easily recognise a leaf, the text is written to the right of the circle:  To change the colour of a leaf, simply change the answer to the corresponding question, click `Validate` again and look at what has changed in the tree. As the effects propagate along the branches of the leaves towards the **trunk** (from right to left), it is up to you to change your practices, for example, to modify the risk of infestation and therefore the final infestation level! --- ## Reading the results graphs *** #### Tips .pull-left[ For a black and white version of the graphics, click on .inline[] <br> If you are on a tablet or phone, visualisation may be difficult. Try to : - Go to landscape format by turning your device to the side, - click on the .inline[] icon to fold the left sidebar, - fold back parts of the tree to avoid overlapping branches. ] .pull-right[  ] --- ## Examples *** #### Scenario 1 The initial situation is very satisfactory: there are very few thistle plants in the plot. However, environmental conditions and cultural practices are all favourable to a resumption of the thistle infestation. --- background-image: url(img/scenario1-1_en.jpg) background-size: contain --- background-image: url(img/scenario1-2_en.jpg) background-size: contain --- ## Examples *** #### Scenario 2 The initial situation is not satisfactory: there are already many thistle plants in the plot. However, the practices are relevant and the weather conditions are ideal. --- background-image: url(img/scenario2-1_en.jpg) background-size: contain --- background-image: url(img/scenario2-2_en.jpg) background-size: contain --- class: inverse, middle, center # Enjoy your exploration! *** *Click Esc to exit the tutorial.*